
Medical Training Classes & Calendar

Medical training Classes play a critical role in molding the knowledge and abilities of healthcare practitioners in a variety of specialties. These courses give you the knowledge and practical experience needed to succeed in the healthcare sector, regardless of whether you’re a medical student, nurse, or working doctor. Medical training programs aid in bridging the knowledge gap between theory and practice by utilizing contemporary technologies like simulation, interactive learning, and case-based instruction.

a-MAS-Hernia: Advanced Minimal Access Surgery – Hernia

HITS Entry Level Nurses: Healthcare Improvement Through Simulation Entry Level Nurses Training

HITS-OT-Healthcare: Improvement Through Simulation for Operation Theatre Nurses

RBC: Resuscitation Boot Camp

a-MAS-Gynae: Advanced Minimal Access Surgery – Gynae

USG-Gynae: Ultrasound Gynaecology

ASCOTT: Apollo Simulation Crisis Obstetric Team Training

POPB: Perioperative Problem Hyphenate Based Learning