USG Abdomen

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the principles and techniques of abdominal ultrasound imaging, including machine operation and image interpretation.
  • Identify normal abdominal anatomy and physiology, including the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, and abdominal vasculature.
  • Recognise common pathological conditions, such as gallstones, renal calculi, liver cirrhosis, and abdominal masses.
  • Prepare patients for abdominal ultrasound examinations, ensuring safety, comfort, and obtaining relevant medical history.



Abdominal ultrasound (USG abdomen) is a non-invasive imaging technique used to visualise the organs and structures within the abdomen. This course covers the fundamentals of abdominal ultrasound, including ultrasound physics, machine operation, and image interpretation. Participants will gain proficiency in identifying normal abdominal anatomy, including the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, and major abdominal blood vessels. Understanding the normal anatomy is crucial for recognising and diagnosing abnormalities.

New Batch Starts on

Contact Us
Course Duration:
1 Day
  • Normal anatomy & abnormal cases
  • Interactive learning
  • Correlation with 3D anatomy



Delivered through online lectures


Delivered through 1 day contact course at Apollo Simulation Centre


For both knowledge and skills



Online Modules

All didactic lectures will be available as online modules for candidates 2 weeks prior to the contact course to prepare for the course well in advance. All the required theory knowledge will be learnt through web platform. There will be a Q&A section available after each lecture to interact with the faculty for any additional doubts to be clarified. Completing online modules is mandatory for certification

  • USG Knobology & Physics
  • USG KOB region
  • USG Liver
  • USG Pancreas
  • USG Spleen
  • USG Uterus & adnexa

Contact Course

Contact course is aimed at providing practical knowledge about everything that one needs to know about USG Abdomen. This is achieved by way of 30% of time spent on demonstrations and 70% time on hands-on training, which includes:

Time Topic
09.00 – 09.10 Welcome and introduction
09.10 – 09.40 Ultrasound Knobology Basics
Organ Specific Demonstration and Hands on
09.40 -10.30 · Ultrasound Liver
10.30-10.45 Tea Break
10.45-11.30 · Ultrasound Gall Bladder
11.30-12.30 · Ultrasound Pancreas
12.30-01.15 Lunch Break
01.15-1.45 · Ultrasound Spleen
01.45-02.15 · Ultrasound Kidney
02.15-02.45 · Ultrasound Bladder and Prostate
02.45-03.15 · Ultrasound of Uterus and Ovaries
03.15-03.30 Feedback and closing
03.30-03.45 Tea Break


Dr. Aarthy Ganesh
Dr. Aarthy Ganesh


Department of Radiology

Apollo Hospitals

Dr. Anand
Dr. Anand


Department of Radiology

SRM Hospitals


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