Essential Minimal Access Surgery Principles: eMAS Basics

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain competence in skills required for performing minimal access surgery.
  • Gain knowledge on the proper and safe use of laparoscopic instruments and their regular maintenance.
  • Understand the complications associated with minimal access surgery and their prompt management.
  • Significantly improve performance through simulation experience and advanced assessment.
  • Enhance non-technical skills such as surgical team setup, resource management, and unit organization.


Course Description

The field of minimal access surgery (MAS) has advanced significantly over the past two decades, offering numerous benefits compared to traditional approaches, such as shorter hospital stays, reduced analgesic use, and improved cosmetic outcomes. However, MAS can also lead to unexpected complications, requiring careful practice and expertise.

This blended learning programme, ‘Essential Minimal Access Surgery’, teaches evidence-based principles and enhances surgical performance. The programme includes hands-on experience at ASC, which will help you refine your skills and reduce complications. It caters to both beginners and experienced professionals. It covers fundamental topics such as ergonomic principles, dissection and tissue approximation techniques, and access techniques, along with advanced topics in laparoscopic procedures across various fields including general surgery, gynaecology, upper GI, bariatric, hepatobiliary and pancreatic (HBP), hernia, colorectal, and urological surgeries.

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Course Duration:
3 Days
  • Lecture module: 20 lessons
  • 3-days hands-on contact course
  • Objective-structured clinical examination
  • Live surgical demonstration
  • Clinical observership/mentorship
  • Q&A forum: 24 hour response time
  • Access period: 1 month
  • Certificate of completion



Delivered through online lectures


Delivered through 3-day contact course at Apollo Simulation Centre


For both knowledge and skills



Online Modules

All didactic lectures will be available as online modules for candidates 2 weeks prior to the contact course to prepare for the course well in advance. All the required theory knowledge will be learnt through web platform. There will be a Q&A section available after each lecture to interact with the faculty for any additional doubts to be clarified. Completing online modules is mandatory for certification

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to MAS
  • Lecture 2: Laparoscopic instruments and equipment
  • Lecture 3: Basic principles
  • Lecture 4: Access techniques
  • Lecture 5: Anaesthetic considerations
  • Lecture 6: Energy devices in laparoscopic surgery
  • Lecture 7: Tissue approximation
  • Lecture 8: Maintenance of equipment and instruments
  • Lecture 9: Laparoscopic troubleshooting
  • Lecture 10: Upper GI laparoscopy
  • Lecture 11: Colorectal laparoscopy
  • Lecture 12: HBP laparoscopy
  • Lecture 13: Laparoscopic hernioplasty
  • Lecture 14: Laparoscopic gynaecology
  • Lecture 15: Laparoscopic urology
  • Lecture 16: Introduction to VATS
  • Lecture 17: Complications of laparoscopy
  • Lecture 18: Robotic surgery
  • Lecture 19: Recent advances in MAS
  • Lecture 20: Setting up a lap unit

Contact Course

Contact course is aimed at providing practical knowledge about everything that one needs to know about minimal access surgery. This is achieved by way of 30% of time spent on demonstrations and 70% time on hands-on training

Time Event Location
09.00 Registration & Pairing Lounge
09.05 D1: Lap Instruments EndoSuite
09.45 D2: Basic Principles
10.30 D3: Access Techniques
11.00 Coffee / Tea – Lounge
11.15 H1-Access and Dexterity Board room
12.00 H2:Access and Dexterity
12.30 Lunch – Lounge
13.30 H3: Dissection techniques Skills Lab
14.30 H4: Tissue Shears
15.00 Coffee / Tea – Lounge
15.00 Master Videos Board room
16.00 P1: Tips and Tricks
16.45 Summary Lounge
17.00 End of Day 1


Time Event Location
09.00 Overview Lounge
09.05 P2: Complications Board room
09.45 D4: Clipping Exercise
11.00 Coffee / Tea
11.15 H5: Extracorporeal Knot Skills Lab
11.45 H6: Intracorporeal suture
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Master Videos Board Room
15.00 P3: ERAS in MAS
15.30 Coffee / Tea
15.45 D5:Electro Surgery Endo Suite
16.15 D6: Staplers Anatomy
16.45 Summary & Feedback Lounge
17.00 End of Day 2


Time Event Location
09.00 Overview Lounge
09.05 Master Videos
09.20 Master Videos
09.40 Coffee / Tea
10:00 H7:GB Model
H8:Appendix Model
13.30 Lunch
14.30 E1: MCQ
15.15 E2: OSE
16.00 Coffee / Tea
16.15 Summary Lecture room
16.30 Results & Certification
17.00 End of Course

D: Demonstration by faculty                                        S: Surgical Demonstration

H: Hands-on practical session                                     E: Examination

P: Panel discussion


Observership/Mentorship (Optional)

ASC courses involve clinical observership and mentorship programme depending on the plan candidate chose. Observership include short period of attachment with the respective unit to witness live surgeries and ward rounds of various surgeries as per availability in the respective speciality. Mentorship program involve a much longer period with possibilities of scrubbing for surgeries based on the clinical knowledge and skill of the candidate.



Online lectures are assessed by way of Multiple Choice Questions at the end of each lectures. Practical technique assessment will be done through Objective Structured Clinical Examination at the end of the contact course.


Dr. Prasana Kumar Reddy
Dr. Prasana Kumar Reddy

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Program Director

Dr. Muralidharan M
Dr. Muralidharan M

Senior Consultant,

Department of General Surgery,

Director, Apollo Simulation Centre

Course Convenor

Dr. Raj Palaniappan
Dr. Raj Palaniappan

Director and Lead Surgeon,

Institute of Bariatrics,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai


Course Co-ordinator

Dr. Santosh Anand
Dr. Santosh Anand

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai



Dr. Premkumar Balachandran
Dr. Premkumar Balachandran

Clinical Lead,

Institute of Hernia and Anterior Wall Reconstruction,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Sudeepta Kumar Swain
Dr. Sudeepta Kumar Swain

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. J.K.A. Jameel
Dr. J.K.A. Jameel

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. N. Ragavan
Dr. N. Ragavan

Senior Consultant,

Department of Urology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Ramkumar K
Dr. Ramkumar K

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Vanagaram

Dr. Jameel Akther
Dr. Jameel Akther

Senior Consultant,

Department of General Surgery,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Venkatesh Munikrishnan
Dr. Venkatesh Munikrishnan

Clinical Lead,

Department of Colorectal Surgery,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Rajiv Santosham
Dr. Rajiv Santosham

Senior Consultant,

Department of Thoracic Surgery,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram

Senior Consultant,

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,

Apollo Cradle Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Nikhilesh Krishna
Dr. Nikhilesh Krishna


Department of Bariatrics,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. R. Venkata Subramaniam
Dr. R. Venkata Subramaniam

Senior Consultant,

Department of General Surgery,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Charles Mano Sylus
Dr. Charles Mano Sylus

Senior Consultant,

Department of General Surgery,

Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Vanagaram



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