Quality Improvement Embedded with In-Situ Simulation (QuEST)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand in-situ and translational simulation
  • Apply PDSA cycle for quality improvement
  • Address patient safety concerns by integrating QI & simulation
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively



The QuEST (Quality Improvement Embedded with In-Situ Simulation) program is a two-day workshop designed to equip healthcare professionals with the tools to integrate simulation-based learning into quality improvement (QI) initiatives.

The course emphasizes hands-on practice in designing in-situ simulations, analyzing patient safety concerns, and developing sustainable QI projects. Participants will gain insights into the application of simulation in clinical practice to improve care delivery and patient outcomes.

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Course Duration:
2 Days
    • Translational Simulation
    • Quality Improvement & root cause analysis
    • Certification from Hull Institute of Learning and Simulation
    • Faculty of national and international prominence



Delivered through online lectures


Delivered through 2-day contact course at Kalaignar Super Specialty Hospitals/Apollo Simulation Centre


For both knowledge and skills



Online Modules

All didactic lectures will be available as online modules for candidates 2 weeks prior to the contact course to prepare for the course well in advance. All the required theory knowledge will be learnt through web platform. There will be a Q&A section available after each lecture to interact with the faculty for any additional doubts to be clarified. Completing online modules is mandatory for certification

Contact Course

Contact course is aimed at providing practical knowledge about everything that one needs to know about QuEST. This is achieved by way of 30% of time spent on demonstrations and 70% time on hands-on training, which includes:


Day Time Topic
Day 1 08:30–09:00 Registration
09:00–09:30 Introduction and Objectives
09:30–10:30 In-Situ Simulation Evidence and Impact
10:30–11:15 Effective In-Situ Simulation Steps
11:15–11:30 Tea Break
11:30–11:45 In-Situ Toolkit
11:45–12:30 Making the Case for In-Situ Simulation
12:30–13:15 Lunch
13:15–14:45 Designing and Demonstrating Simulations
16:30–17:00 Reflection and Next Steps
Day 2 08:30–09:00 Registration
09:00–10:20 Case Study: QI Success Story
10:20–11:30 QI Framework
11:30–12:15 Group Activity: Problem Analysis
12:30–14:15 Patient Safety and Simulation
14:15–15:30 Panel Discussion
15:45–17:30 QI Project Development and Feedback


Dr. Makani Purva
Dr. Makani Purva

Consultant Obstetric Anaesthetist,

HUL Teaching Hospitals,


Dr. Aarthi Rajendran
Dr. Aarthi Rajendran

Project Manager,

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr. Ankur Sooden
Dr. Ankur Sooden

Project Lead,

John Snow India

Dr. Aparna Sharma
Dr. Aparna Sharma


Quality Improvement Expert

Who is This Course for?

  • Simulation enthusiasts
  • Quality manager
  • Hospital administrators


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