Advanced Minimal Access Hernia Surgery

Learning Outcomes

Understand Instrumentation and Setup:
  • For minimal access surgery
  • Enhance proficiency in scope and instrument handling, dissection, knotting, clipping and electrosurgery.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various hernia repair techniques, including TEP and TAPP
  • Properly and safely use laparoscopic instruments, ensuring regular maintenance.
  • Apply step-by-step procedural knowledge in simulated environments for eTEP, TAPP & Ventral hernia repair.
  • Execute intracorporeal suturing, stapling, mesh handling and placement with precision.

Course Description

This comprehensive three-day course is designed to equip participants with foundational knowledge, practical skills, and advanced techniques in laparoscopic hernia surgery. Combine interactive lectures, hands-on simulation exercises, and case-based discussions, the program fosters a robust understanding of laparoscopic instruments, procedural steps, and trouble shooting strategies in minimal access surgery for hernia. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of hernia repair techniques, mesh handling and intracorporeal suturing, culminating in a practical assessment to validate their proficiency.

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Course Duration:
3 Days
  • Webinars, panels and small group discussions
  • Equipment, instrument and procedure demonstrations
  • Dry laboratory training on all technical aspect of MAS
  • Live demonstrations/master videos of various surgical procedures
  • Wet lab for hands-on experience during selected courses



Delivered through online lectures


Delivered through 3-day contact course at Apollo Simulation Centre


For both knowledge and skills





Online Modules

All didactic lectures will be available as online modules for candidates 2 weeks prior to the contact course to prepare for the course well in advance. All the required theory knowledge will be learnt through web platform. There will be a Q&A section available after each lecture to interact with the faculty for any additional doubts to be clarified. Completing online modules is mandatory for certification

S. No Topic
1 Introduction to laparoscopy
2 Laparoscopic instruments
3 Basic principles
4 Energy sources
5 Access techniques
6 Tissue approximation
7 Equipment maintenance
8 Anaesthetic considerations
9 Troubleshooting
10 Robotic surgery
11 EndoHernia anatomy and radiology
12 Prosthesis and fixators
13 Optimising patients for surgery
14 Approach to groin hernias
15 Approach to abdominal wall hernia
16 Abdominal wall reconstruction
17 Emergency hernia management
18 Difficult and revisional hernias
19 Recent advances and future
20 Setting up a lap unit


Contact Course

The three-day contact course is aimed at providing practical knowledge about everything that one needs to know about minimal access hernia surgery. This is achieved by way of 50% of time spent on panel discussions, live surgical demonstrations and 50% time on hands on training including dry and simulation laboratory.

Day 1: ASC

Time Event Location Comment
08:45 Registration and pairing Lounge Welcoming of participants
09:00 D1: Instruments/Prosthesis EndoSuite Image chain, lap trolley
09:45 D2: Basic principles EndoSuite Ergonomics of set-up and access
10:30 D3: Access techniques EndoSuite Creation of working space
11:00 Coffee/Tea – Lounge
11:15 H1: Access and dexterity Skills Lab Dissection and scissors exercise
12:00 H2: Knotting and suturing Skills Lab Technique and steps
12:30 Lunch – Lounge
13:30 P1: Which hernia repair? Skills Lab Advantages and disadvantages
14:00 P2: Hernia master videos Skills Lab Tips and tricks
15:00 Coffee/Tea – Lounge
15:15 H3: Extracorporeal knotting Skills Lab Endoloop, torn sac looping
16:15 H4: Intracorporeal suturing Skills Lab Needle handling, suturing
16:45 Summary Lounge Views, recap and group photo
17:00 End of the Course


Day 2: ASC

Time Event Location Comment
08:45 Overview Lounge Pairing
09:00 H5: Mesh handling Skills lab Technique and steps
09:45 H6: Mesh placement Skills lab Technique and steps
11:00 Coffee/Tea
11:15 H7: Mesh fixation Skills lab Technique, steps
11:45 H8: Mesh suturing Skills lab Technique, steps
12:30 Lunch
13:30 P3: Controversies and problems Board room How to overcome difficulties
14:00 P4: Mishap videos Board room Complications, troubleshooting
15:00 Coffee/Tea
15:15 E1: OSCE Skills Lab Practical exam
16:30 E2: Results and certification Skills Lab Analysis of performance
16:45 Summary and feedback Lounge Views and recap



Time Event Location Comment
08:45 Overview OT Lounge Pairing
09:00 S1: TAP/TEP inguinal hernia OT Technique, steps
10:30 Coffee/Tea
11:00 S2: e-TEP ventral hernia OT Step by step approach
12:30 Lunch
13:30 S3: AWR (Lap/Robotic) OT Step by step approach
15:00 Coffee/Tea
16:30 Summary OT Lounge Views and feedbacks
17:00 End of the Course
Observership program

Observership includes a short 3-day period of attachment with the respective speciality unit to witness live surgeries and ward rounds of various surgeries as per availability in the respective speciality.

Mentorship program

Mentorship involves a much longer 3-week period of clinical attachment to the speciality unit, with the possibility of surgeon shadowing through managing outpatient/inpatient services and assisting procedures/surgeries.

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Skills and technique assessment will be done through OSCE at the end of the contact course. Each student will be performing various tasks like dissection, suturing, stapling, mesh placement, tacker application, etc. which we objectively assessed through scoring key. The number of stations will vary between 8 and 12. At the end of the examination, a cumulative score of 70% will be required to clear the assessment.


Dr. Prasanna Kumar Reddy
Dr. Prasanna Kumar Reddy

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Hospitals

Program Director

Dr. Muralidharan M
Dr. Muralidharan M

Consultant Surgeon,

Department of General Surgery,

Apollo Cradle Hospitals, Chennai

Course Convenor

Dr. Raj Palaniappan
Dr. Raj Palaniappan

Director and Lead Surgeon,

Institute of Bariatrics,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Course Co-ordinator

Dr. Premkumar Balachandran
Dr. Premkumar Balachandran

Senior Consultant and Coordinator,

Institute of Hernia and Anterior Wall Reconstruction,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai


Dr. Sudeepta Kumar Swain
Dr. Sudeepta Kumar Swain

Senior Consultant,

Department of surgical Gastroenterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. J.K.A. Jameel
Dr. J.K.A. Jameel

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastroenterology

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Ravindran Kumeran
Dr. Ravindran Kumeran

Senior Consultant,

Department of Surgical Gastro Enterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Santosh Anand KS
Dr. Santosh Anand KS


Department of Surgical Gastro Enterology,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Senthil Kumar K
Dr. Senthil Kumar K


Department of General Surgery,

Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Kelambakkam

Dr. Charles Mano Sylus
Dr. Charles Mano Sylus

Consultant Surgeon,

Department of General Surgery,

Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Vanagaram, Chennai

Dr. Nikhilesh Krishna
Dr. Nikhilesh Krishna

Consultant Surgeon,

Department of Minimal Access Surgery,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Subbaiah TS
Dr. Subbaiah TS

Associate Consultant,

Department of General Surgery,

Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Sabari Giriesan
Dr. Sabari Giriesan


Department of General Surgery,

Madras Medical College.



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