Learning Outcomes
- Understand the basics of ultrasound and knobology.
- Confidently acquire standard cardiac views.
- Use measurement and doppler techniques effectively.
- Quickly identify normal vs. abnormal findings.
- Perform comprehensive exams for common cardiac conditions.
Echocardiography is a widely performed, non-invasive procedure used to diagnose cardiac conditions. It is versatile, safe, and provides invaluable diagnostic information to physicians. Mastering basic transthoracic echocardiography skills enables learners to confidently assess patients. ASC’s ECHO Essentials course equips participants with foundational knowledge of ultrasound, emphasising cardiac imaging. Hands-on exercises focus on knobology and hand-eye coordination, ensuring proficiency in equipment handling and basic echo views. Every learner is provided with ample time and space to practise their skills and perfect their techniques.
Delivered through online lectures
Delivered through 1 day contact course at Apollo Simulation Centre
For both knowledge and skills
Online Modules
All didactic lectures will be available as online modules for candidates 2 weeks prior to the contact course to prepare for the course well in advance. All the required theory knowledge will be learnt through web platform. There will be a Q&A section available after each lecture to interact with the faculty for any additional doubts to be clarified. Completing online modules is mandatory for certification.
- General principles of echocardiography
- Echocardiographic views and assessment of diameters, volumes and mass
- Assessment of LV systolic function
- Assessment of LV diastolic function
- Assessment of RV function
- Mitral stenosis and mitral regurgitation
- Aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation
- Pericardial diseases
- Transesophageal echocardiogram
Contact Course
Contact course is aimed at providing practical knowledge about everything that one needs to know about Echo Essentials. This is achieved by way of 30% of time spent on demonstrations and 70% time on hands-on training, which includes:
- State-of-the art echo simulator
- Work with accurate, palpable, anatomical landmarks and cardiac cases
- Easily change the pathology, heart, or respiratory rate and severity to test assessment and decision-making skills
- Correlation of scanned image with 3D anatomy
- Small group interactive learning
Time | Topic |
09:30 am-10:00 am | Ultrasound basics |
10:30 am-11:00 am | Knobology Excercises |
11:00 am-11:15 am | Tea break |
11:15 am-11:35 am | Basic Views—Lecture |
11:35 am-12:00 pm | Basic Views—Practice |
12:00 pm-12:30 pm | Assessment of LV function |
12:30 pm-01:00 pm | Assessment of RV function |
01:00 pm-01:30 pm | Lunch |
01:30 pm-02:00 pm | Valves |
02:00 pm-03:00 pm | cases |
03:00 pm | Feedback and tea break |

Dr. K.N. Srinivasan
Senior Consultant,
Department of Cardiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Aruna D
Interventional Cardiologist,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Rajeshwari Nayak
Senior Consultant,
Department of Cardiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Kirubakaran K
Department of Cardiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Abhishek Kasha
Associate Consultant,
Department of Cardiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Senthil
Associate Consultant,
Department of Cardiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Radha Priya
Associate Consultant,
Department of Cardiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Who is This Course for?
- Cardiologists
- Intensivists
- Anaesthesiologists
- Registrars and interns
- Practising doctors
- Unparalleled Technological Infrastructure
- Expert Faculty with Real World Experience
- Innovative Learning Methodologies
- Comprehensive Curriculum
- Learner faculty ratio and learner manikin ratio is well maintained
Marketing Line

The Apollo Simulation Centre (ASC) is a medical simulation teaching and training institute located at the Apollo Vanagaram campus.
Contact Info
64, Vanagaram to Ambattur, Yadaval Street, Off Poonamallee High Road, Vanagaram, Chennai-600095, Tamil Nadu
sales@apollosimulation.com help@apollosimulation.com
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