Advanced Airway Management

Learning Outcomes
- Learn to assess and manage adult anticipated and unanticipated difficult airways
- Achieve competency in complex decision making and advanced airway skills
- Management of airway using difficult airway algorithm
- Management of ‘cannot ventilate, cannot intubate’ situations
- Improve procedural competence and success rate
- Improve confidence and patient safety
Securing the airway is integral to managing a clinical emergency. There is a need to act rapidly and efficiently and ensure uninterrupted supply of oxygen and when traditional methods are ineffective, knowledge and technical skills in advanced airway management can significantly improve patient outcomes. Both novice and seasoned practitioners can benefit from recurring practice to hone their skills. ASC’s Advanced Airway Management course offers clinicians a structured and standardised protocol to assess and handle difficult airway management and training in proper management of high-risk events with no danger of injury to a real patient. The course will cover basic airway skills and adjuncts in airway management, video laryngoscopy and bougie guided intubation, fibreoptic bronchoscopy, intubation through supraglottic airway device, surgical cricothyroidotomy and percutaneous dilational tracheostomy.
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Course Duration:
1 Day
Understanding Airway Management
Attain Procedural Competency
Team Training
Leadership & Decision making
Delivered through online lectures
Delivered through 1-day contact course at Apollo Simulation Centre
For both knowledge and skills
Online Modules
All didactic lectures will be available as online modules for candidates 2 weeks prior to the contact course to prepare for the course well in advance. All the required theory knowledge will be learnt through the web platform. There will be a Q&A section available after each lecture to interact with the faculty for any additional doubts to be clarified. Completing online modules is mandatory for certification.
- Airway assessment
- Basic airway management
- Airway adjuncts
- Approaching difficult airway
- Setting up a difficult airway cart
- Fibre optic bronchoscopy
- Front of neck access
- Intubation through SAD
- Supra glothic airway
- Video laryngoscopy
- Airway ultrasound
Contact Course
The Contact course is aimed at providing practical knowledge about everything that one needs to know about Advanced Airway Management. This is achieved by way of 30% of time spent on demonstrations and 70% time on hands-on training, which includes:
Registration & Why This Training? | 09:30 am-09:45 am |
Station 01: Fibroptic Guided Intubation | 09:45 am-10:30 am |
Coffee Break: 10:30 am-10:45 am | |
Station 02: Basic Airway with Difficult Airway Intubation Cart | 10:45 am-11:30 am |
Station 03: Surgical Cricothyroidotomy | 11:30 am-12:15 pm |
Station 04: Supraglottic Airway intubation | 12:15 pm-12:40 pm |
Station 05: Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy | 12:40 pm-01:00 pm |
Station 06: Video Laryngoscopy with Bougie | 01:00 pm-01:20 pm |
Lunch Break: 1:20 pm -02:10 pm | |
Putting it all together—scenarios. | 02:15 pm-03:15 pm |
Tea break: 03:15-03:30 pm | |
Feedback and closure | 03:30 pm-03:45 pm |

Dr. Balachandran S
Senior Consultant,
Department of Anesthesiology,
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

Dr. Velmurugan Selvam
Assistant Professor,
Department of Critical Care,

Dr. Balaji
Senior Consultant,
Department of Anestheisiology,
Apollo Hospitals

Dr. Anand K
Department of Anaesthesiology,
SRM Hospitals

Dr. Pavan Kumar Vecham
Department of Critical Care Medicine,
Vijaya Hospitals, Chennai

Who is This Course for?
- Anesthesiologists
- Intensivists
- Postgraduates – Critical care medicine, emergency medicine, anaesthesiology, pulmonology, general medicine
- Registrars and interns
- Practising doctors
- Unparalleled Technological Infrastructure
- Expert Faculty with Real World Experience
- Innovative Learning Methodologies
- Comprehensive Curriculum
- Learner faculty ratio and learner manikin ratio is well maintained
Marketing Line

The Apollo Simulation Centre (ASC) is a medical simulation teaching and training institute located at the Apollo Vanagaram campus.
Contact Info
64, Vanagaram to Ambattur, Yadaval Street, Off Poonamallee High Road, Vanagaram, Chennai-600095, Tamil Nadu
Copyright © 2024 Apollo Simulation Centre. All Rights Reserved.